Precious Metals

PEAK GOLD & PEAK OIL ARE HERE: Means Big Price Moves Coming

With the world consuming five times more oil than it is discovering, Peak Oil and Peak Gold have finally arrived.  However, the world hasn’t figured this out yet, but it will.  And, when it does, we will see much higher prices for precious metals in the future.  Why?  Peak oil equals peak gold and peak silver production…

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SOMETHING BIG IS HAPPENING IN THE SILVER MARKET: The Calm Before The Tidal Wave Of Investment Demand

There are some very interesting things taking place in the silver market.  One rumor is that a Texas Billionaire has purchased $50 million worth of Silver Eagles.  Well, it wasn’t quite that much as a recent interview explains that it was half investing in gold and silver.   Also, we are seeing a lot of silver leave the LBMA inventories…

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METALS & MARKET UPDATE JUL 24th: The Collapse Of The U.S. Housing Market Is Just Beginning

The Collapse of the Massive U.S. Real Estate Bubble is just beginning, and Americans are totally unprepared.  And… that’s the good news.  Why?  Because we are now witnessing the end of the Real Estate Cycle forever.  Thus, America’s housing wealth will turn into a massive liability, forcing families to live in one home in the future…

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MARKET UPDATE JULY 14th: Important Precious Metals Update & The Energy Cliff Continues To Destroy Europe

The markets and metals sold off today big time after the news the Fed may raise interest rates by a stunning 100 basis points due to the higher-than-expected CPI figure.  If the Fed raises interest rates by 100 basis points during their next meeting, we will likely see another major Dow Jones Enema…

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SILVERDOCTORS INTERVIEW: Gold & Silver Manipulation “Doesn’t Matter Anymore, It Is A Nothingburger”

The number one question that concerns most precious metals investors is, “Are gold and silver being manipulated?”  I discussed my analysis on metals manipulation with Paul at SilverDoctors.  While I posted my own youtube video on this subject matter, I added more detail on why I believe it is now a waste of time to be concerned about precious metals manipulation…

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METALS & MARKET UPDATE JULY 10th: Another U.S. Natural Gas Plant Explosion This Weekend & What Is Happening With The Precious Metals

This weekend, another U.S. Natural Gas Plant explosion took place to add to the list in just a few short months.  Last month, the large Freeport LNG Plant suffered a blast and will be out of service for another three months.  This is terrible news for Europe.  Also, what is taking place in the precious metals prices…

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