Precious Metals

METALS & ENERGY MARKET UPDATE OCT 14th: Strong Dollar & High Energy Prices Continue To Gut Global Economy, Brace For Higher Fed Rate Hikes

Not only is there a global food shortage, even when there is food available, many countries are struggling to afford it because of the collapse of their currencies versus the U.S. Dollar.  And, on top of that, the extremely high energy prices continue to gut the global economy…

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TOM CLOUD METALS UPDATE OCT 14th: Important To Diversify Assets & High Premiums Continue Due To Bullion Product Shortages

Tom’s newest update discusses why it’s essential for investors to “Diversify” their assets before the next leg lower in the broader markets.  Tom believes it’s better to transition more into assets that will protect wealth, than those that will lose value or are highly leveraged…

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ENERGY CLIFF MUST SEE OIL & METALS CHARTS: Bracing For The Seneca Cliff & What That Means For Metals Production & The Population

Many people still do not understand the ENERGY CLIFF and how that will impact metals production in the future.  In this video update, there are FIVE MUST-SEE CHARTS.  These charts help connect the ENERGY DOTS and why the world is still unprepared for what lies ahead…

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METALS & ENERGY UPDATE OCT 9TH: The Energy & Dollar Wrecking Ball Is The Reason To Own Precious Metals

With the escalation of the Ukraine War after the Russian-Crimea Bridge was attacked, all bets are off for low oil prices.  Add to this the Saudi-OPEC oil cut, and we have a recipe for disaster in the oil markets.  Also, as the U.S. Dollar heads higher along with the oil price, countries are being destroyed left and right…

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