Precious Metals

METALS & MARKET CRISIS UPDATE APR 2nd: Heading Towards Worse Banking Crisis Than 2008

Unfortunately, the worse is yet to come with this Banking Crisis.  And, while the Federal Reserve believes it has the tools to manage this crisis, they are making the same mistakes as they did in 2008.  This could have profound implications for the markets and the precious metals…

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BANKING CONTAGION CONTINUES & METALS UPDATE MAR 24th: Next Week Could See Technical Breakout In Gold & Silver & Premiums Surging Higher

Investors are piling into gold and silver as the Banking Contagion spreads from the U.S. to Credit Suisse and now Deutsche Bank.  Not only is this driving up the premiums, next week is also an important technical BREAKOUT area for Gold and Silver…

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TOM CLOUD PRECIOUS METALS UPDATE MAR 20th: Investors Move Into Precious Metals As Insurance Against Banking Crisis

In Tom’s most recent precious metals update, he explains why precious metals are the best forms of insurance during a massive banking and financial crisis.  The Big Positive about having gold insurance, is that if you don’t use it, you still get most (or more at times) the value of your premium back…

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PRECIOUS METALS & BANKING CRISIS UPDATE MAR 19th: Key Fundamentals Why This Time Is Different

While the Fed is trying to solve the banking crisis by providing liquidity, the bigger problem in front of us, can’t be solved with money printing.  Also, the next major shoe to drop may be in the massive Shadow Banking System.  I explain the details in this week’s Metals & Banking Crisis Update…

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BIX WEIR & SRSROCCO REPORT DEBATE: Grand Canyon Gold, Free Markets & The Energy Cliff

The much-anticipated debate is now posted, and it’s up to each individual as to what they believe is the more important message.  The discussion starts discussing the supposed billions of Grand Canyon Gold and then moves to market manipulation and why energy is so vital, even though most don’t consider energy…

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