Precious Metals

Tom Cloud Precious Metals Update: Chinese SDR Update & Tom Now Believes In A 33% Allocation In Precious Metals

Tom Cloud provides an update on the Chinese SDR and gold announcement.  He discusses several reasons why the Chinese have not made a public how much gold they hold in their official reserves.  This is the first currency added to the IMF – International Monetary Fund SDR (Special Drawing Rights)…

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Welcome To The Conversation: Important Information Why The Precious Metals Price Smash Is Meaningless

Investors need to realize the precious metals paper price smash this week is meaningless when we consider the underlying fundamentals of the U.S. and Global Financial System continue to disintegrate.  Financial Industry expert, Vic Patane and I discussed why the current precious metals selloff is a nothing more than a…

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WARNING: The Coming Collapse Of U.S Net Worth Will Wipe Out Millions Of Americans

As the Financial Circus continues today, pushing down the precious metals prices, millions of Americans are going to get wiped out when the collapse of U.S. net worth begins in earnest.  Anyone with a tad bit of common sense realizes these financial markets today are totally disconnected from reality. With…

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