
WHERE’S THE BEEF, MARKET UPDATE JULY 23rd: Not Meat, But The Oil As The World Faces Energy Scarcity

The surge in global oil demand recently is putting a great deal of pressure on the limited supply.  Thus, the term I will use a lot in the future is… “WHERE IS THE BEEF?”  And, but they, I mean energy, not meat.  It seems like we are heading into the next stage of the ENERGY CLIFF during the second half of 2023…

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If you want to understand the foundation and implications of the ENERGY CLIFF, this interview with Jesse Day at Commodity Culture helps Connect-The-Dots.  Unfortunately, most individuals and investors still do not understand how much the world will change in a relatively short period of time…

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TOM CLOUD PRECIOUS METALS UPDATE JUL 19th: U.S. Debt Super-Cycle & Dollar Weakness

Tom Cloud discusses why it is important to protect wealth as the U.S. Government moves into a “Debt-Super Cycle.”  Also, Tom mentioned that the precious metals prices have gone up as the U.S. Dollar has declined.  Thus, the direction of gold and silver prices is based on the U.S. Dollar…

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METALS & MARKET UPDATE JUL 16th: Disconnect Between Natgas & Oil Continues While Interesting Signs Taking Place In Silver Market

Get ready for higher Oil Prices and weaker Natgas prices, as this disconnect will continue for the next several months.  Also, some interesting signs are taking place in the Silver Market that will likely lead to much higher prices in the coming quarters and years ahead…

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MARKETS & ENERGY UPDATE JULY 9th: Coming Global Recession & Higher Oil Prices? Get Ready For Stagflation

While the U.S. and world might be heading into a recession, don’t count on low oil prices.  Why?  Global oil demand will likely be much stronger during 2H 2023 and into 2024 than the market realizes.  Thus, higher oil prices translate into a higher Consumer Price Index…

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