
TOM CLOUD PRECIOUS METALS UPDATE: Five Important Updates & Developments

Tom Cloud provides a new video that discusses five important updates and developments.  He starts off with the implications and policies of the Federal Reserve during a new Trump Administration.  Tom then explains the Deutsche Bank silver manipulation lawsuits suggest that there are 100 banks listed as part of the…

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The Implosion Of The Global Markets Has Started & Can’t Be Stopped

The world doesn’t realize it yet, but the implosion of the global markets has started and can’t be stopped.  While the financial networks continue to focus on the rising U.S. stock market and Dollar, this represents a mindset that has totally gone insane. Why?  Because the rapidly increasing Dollar and…

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X22 REPORT SRSrocco Interview: Why The Global Economy Will Disintegrate Rapidly

I sat down with Dave at the X22 Report and discussed why the global economy is likely to disintegrate rapidly.  The key to the upcoming collapse will be due to falling energy production.  Unfortunately, many in the Mainstream media and precious metals community disregard energy as just another sector in…

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