
EXTREME OIL PRICE VOLATILITY: Bad Sign That All Is Not Well In The Markets

The markets are in serious trouble as the extreme oil price volatility continues to devastate the global economy.  Investors and analysts today are totally clueless because they have become the frogs burnt to a crisp in the frying pan.  Over the past several decades, the oil price has fluctuated tremendously,…

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Crucial Factors Why Silver Will Increase More Than Gold During The Next Financial Collapse

There are two crucial factors why silver will increase more in value than gold during the next financial meltdown.  These factors are not well known by many precious metals analysts because they focus on antiquated information and knowledge.  While several individuals in the precious metals community forecast a much higher…

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GLOBAL FINANCIAL BREAKDOWN CONTINUES: Economic Growth Chokes On Massive Debt Increases

The U.S. and global economies are choking on a massive amount of debt.  While Wall Street and the Mainstream financial media continue to rationalize the skyrocketing debt as merely the cost of doing business, the disintegrating fundamentals point to an economic catastrophe in the making. Of course, a full-blown economic…

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