
GOLDCORE TV INTERVIEW: The Real Causes Of The Global Energy Crisis

The world is totally unprepared for the implications of the Energy Cliff on the global economy, financial system, and most asset values.  I spoke with Dave at Goldcore TV about the “Real Causes” of the global energy crisis.  While many believe this energy crisis is “temporary,” it’s not… it’s permanent…

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ENERGY & MARKET UPDATE SEPT 25th: Americans Will Soon Face Same Energy Crisis That’s Engulfing Europe

Unfortunately, it’s just a matter of time before Americans experience the same energy crisis engulfing Europe and other countries.  With 20 million Americans behind on their electricity bills, this is just the beginning.  Why will Americans face an Energy Crisis?  Watch this video…

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THE MAJOR BATTLE IN THE SILVER MARKET HAS BEGUN: Control Of Silver Metal Will Lead To Much Higher Prices

I believe we are in the beginning stages of a Major Battle in the Silver Market.  As Institutions, Hedge Funds, the Rich, and Retail Investors move into silver to protect wealth, the control over getting access to metal will lead to much higher prices. 

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BREAKING NEWS MARKET UPDATE SEPT 11th: Something Is About To Break In Silver Market As European Energy Crisis Worsens

Not only has Smart Money become Net Long in Silver, they are also long in other metals.  So, why does there continue to be a massive short position against the Silver SLV ETF?  Good question.  There seems to be an enormous, record Hedge bet on the market for a Crash; thus, investors think the silver price will continue to fall.  But will it…

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