Articles by SRSrocco

TOP GOLD MINERS COST REACHED NEW HIGH IN 2021: Escalating Costs Coming In 2022

While the Top Gold Miners’ Cost reached a new high last year, 2022 will be a doozy for the industry as energy prices and materials have skyrocketed.  The days of producing gold for $750-$1,250 an ounce are gone for good.  I am talking about the “Total Costs,” not the All-In Sustaining Cost…

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METALS & MARKET UPDATE APR 17th: U.S. Natgas Prices Surging As Energy Cliff Reaches America

After more than a half-year of skyrocketing natural gas prices in Europe, it has finally made its way into the heartland of America.  While Europeans were struggling with paying four times more for natural gas, U.S. Citizens were enjoying the lowest prices in the world.  But, that has all changed now…

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BITCOIN THE INFLATION HEDGE LOSER: Gold & Silver Are The High-Quality Store Of Value

With the Fed’s expectation of 6.6% CPI inflation for March, the highest since 1981, Bitcoin did what it does best… SOLD OFF.  You would think that with all the rising inflation, investors would be moving into Bitcoin, not selling it.  However, this was the case today as Bitcoin fell 5.6%, trading below $40K…

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METALS & MARKET UPDATE APR 10th: Exploding Inflation Causing Chaos In Countries To Spread

Rapidly rising inflation is causing skyrocketing food and energy costs leading to chaos and riots in several countries.  Unfortunately, this is just the beginning.  Many central banks are raising key interest rates in an attempt to curb demand and inflation.  Even if they are successful…

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