Articles by SRSrocco

THE GLOBAL OIL INDUSTRY RED QUEEN SYNDROME: Moving Faster & Faster Just To Keep From Collapsing

The Global Oil Industry is in serious trouble as it now faces the Red Queen Syndrome.  With the world’s oil fields suffering from higher and higher natural decline rates, it takes a greater amount of investment just to keep production from collapsing.  Unfortunately, investment in the global oil industry is declining…

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ENERGY & MARKET UPDATE SEPT 25th: Americans Will Soon Face Same Energy Crisis That’s Engulfing Europe

Unfortunately, it’s just a matter of time before Americans experience the same energy crisis engulfing Europe and other countries.  With 20 million Americans behind on their electricity bills, this is just the beginning.  Why will Americans face an Energy Crisis?  Watch this video…

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BOTTOM 4 SHALE OIL FIELDS DISPLAY TROUBLING SIGNS: Market Totally Unprepared For Collapse Of U.S. Shale Oil Production

Americans are totally unprepared for the coming Collapse of U.S. Shale oil production.  In this update, I discuss some troubling signs in the Bottom 4 Shale Oil Fields.  These four fields produced a peak of 4 million barrels per day in 2019, but are now down 30%.  And, the worst is yet to come…

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THE MAJOR BATTLE IN THE SILVER MARKET HAS BEGUN: Control Of Silver Metal Will Lead To Much Higher Prices

I believe we are in the beginning stages of a Major Battle in the Silver Market.  As Institutions, Hedge Funds, the Rich, and Retail Investors move into silver to protect wealth, the control over getting access to metal will lead to much higher prices. 

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In looking at the fundamental data, Silver seems to be disconnecting from gold and the broader stock market.  In this update, I provide my analysis of why Silver is recently outperforming gold and the Dow Jones Index.  Also, this move in Silver is based on strong fundamentals vs. gold, which looks even weaker…

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METALS & ENERGY UPDATE SEP 18th: Silver Price Bottoming & More Bad News In U.S. Shale Oil

There was a positive development in the Silver Market on Friday that I discuss in my weekend update and why the price may be bottoming.  Also, the fundamentals show that silver will likely hold up better than gold in the short term.  Also, there seems to be more Bad News in U.S. Shale Oil…

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