Articles by SRSrocco

U.S. PEAK OIL DEBATE CONTINUES: Why Do Goehring & Rozencwajg Analysts Say Peak Already Occurred While SRSrocco Sees It Differently??

According to Goehring & Rozencwajg recently released “The Depletion Paradox” article, they believe U.S. shale oil and gas production peaked last year.  However, I see it differently and have provided my fundamental analysis of why I believe the U.S. shale oil and gas peak is still in front of us…

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WOW… ANOTHER RECORD SOLAR SILVER DEMAND IN 2024: As Annual Deficits Continue, Get Prepared For Much Higher Prices

I was surprised by the new record in Global Solar Capacity additions in 2024, especially in China.  Solar PV demand this year will consume more than 200 million oz of silver.  Interestingly, several countries like Saudi Arabia are just beginning to ramp up their solar capacity…

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STOCK MARKET BUBBLE UPDATE DEC 21st: Huge Inflows In GLD & SLV On Friday, So What’s Next For Gold & Silver

The Quick Market-meltdown after last week’s FOMC meeting was just a preview for much WORSE to come, likely in 2025.  The market is totally unprepared for a fast and severe market correction.  However, on Friday, we saw huge net inflows into the GLD and SLV ETFs…

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BITCOIN CRASH & FALLING EROI OF BITCOIN MINING: Is The Bitcoin Market Being Propped Up By A Few Buyers?

This is a MUST-SEE Video for precious metals investors who are now experiencing some of the worst sentiment in years.  I was on the phone this week talking to people in the industry, and the word out there is many metals investors are wondering if they bought the right asset…

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THE BITCOIN MINING RACKET: It’s Much Worse Than I Thought & Can’t Be Compared To Gold Mining

The best way for me to describe the Bitcoin Mining Industry… it’s a RACKET.  The more I dig into this Bitcoin Industry, the more troubling signs I find.  If you want to know how bad the top Bitcoin mining companies are compared to gold mining companies, you must watch this video update…

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