Articles by SRSrocco


The Silver Market will experience a significant trend change in the future due the unraveling of the paper markets.  Already we are witnessing a lot of political turmoil and havoc as President-elect Donald Trump gets ready to take over the White House in the next few days. It’s also logical…

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PRECIOUS METALS INVESTORS: Are You Prepared For The Great Financial Enema?

While many Americans have been hornswoggled to believe President-elect Trump is going to make the United States great again, are you prepared for the greatest FINANCIAL ENEMA in history?  Of course not.  That is why we continue to see precious metals sentiment fall further into the cesspool. I have to…

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Market Intervention Crushed Profit Margins At Largest Primary Silver Mining Producer

The profit margin trend at the world’s largest primary silver mining company has experienced a rapid decline over the past several years.  Fresnillo PLC in Mexico, is the largest primary silver mining company in the world.  Last year, Fresnillo PLC produced 47 million of silver and 762,000 oz of gold….

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The U.S. Empire Would Have Collapsed Decades Ago If It Didn’t Abandon The Gold Standard

The U.S. will never go back on a gold standard.  The notion that a U.S. Dollar backed by gold would solve our financial problems is pure folly.  Why?  Because, if the U.S. Empire didn’t abandon the gold standard in 1971, it would have collapsed decades ago. Unfortunately, some of the…

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