Articles by SRSrocco

Exploding Copper Price Suggests Massive Inflation Ahead?

With the exploding copper price, most investors now believe the market and economy are heading towards a massive inflationary event.  Today, the copper price surged another 0.14 cents and is up a stunning 21% since the beginning of February.  However, if we look at some of the fundamental data…

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TRADE UPDATE: Freeport-McMoRan vs. Bitcoin, Interesting Parallel

This is a Trade Update for Freeport-McMoRan that I believe you will find quite interesting.  There’s this notion that we are heading towards a new Commodity Bull Market and Inflation.  However, some interesting data shows that we are in a “Liquidity Trap,” which suggests deflation ahead.  So, which is it? 

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METALS & MARKET UPDATE FEB 21st: Is The Market Heading Towards Inflation Or Deflation??

While many investors believe we are heading towards a huge inflationary trend, the opposite could be the case.  In my newest Metals & Market Update, I provide charts showing how overvalued the market is becoming and a small video explaining how the GDX Gold Miners ETF is signaling a major…

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