Articles by SRSrocco

TOP GOLD MINERS UPDATE & Why Kirkland Lake Gold Stock Underperforming In 2020

After the big run-up in the top gold miners share prices during the second and third quarters, they continue to consolidate in the fourth quarter.  Most of the top gold miners’ gains took place as the gold price shot up from $1,600 to $2,100 in just five months.  However…

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IMPORTANT VIDEO: Energy Cliff & Why The U.S. & World Are Heading Into A Depression That Never Ends

If there is one video you should watch, this would be one of the most important.  The world has no idea of the coming ENERGY CLIFF and leaders and citizens push for more high-technology and supposed renewable energy to solve our energy predicament.  Unfortunately, “GREEN ENERGY” as they…

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METALS, MARKET & ENERGY UPDATE NOV 10th: Technology Sector Is A Bubble Not A Solution

In my newest update on the metals, market, and energy, I discuss why many stocks and indexes are overvalued.  This includes the totally hyped Tech Sector.  Unfortunately, investors believe technology will be the answer to all our problems in the future.  What they fail to realize is that technology…

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