September 2024

IMPORTANT GOLD MARKET UPDATE SEP 2024: Has Global De-Dollarization Finally Arrived??

With the gold price hitting a record high on Friday, has Global De-Dollarization finally arrived?  Several recent articles on secret central bank gold buying suggest this may, indeed, be the case.  I share my analysis on this subject matter in this Important Gold Market Update…

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GOLD vs BITCOIN: What The Market Doesn’t Want You To Know

The major difference between Gold and Bitcoin is the way these assets are mined, produced, and stored.  Thus, the way Gold and bitcoin are mined and stored affects their future value.  Very few Bitcoin investors understand these important dynamics…

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SRSROCCO FRIDAY MARKET SELL-OFF UPDATE SEP 6th: Is This The Beginning Of More To Come & Preview Of My Next Big Report

With the Markets, Metals, Energy, and Bitcoin all down today, is this the beginning of a larger selloff to come?  That’s a good question.  Also, I will provide a preview of my next Big Report, which digs deep into the notion that we are heading into a new space race with unlimited energy and resources…

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FAKE NEWS IN PRECIOUS METALS MARKET UPDATE SEP 2024: SRSrocco Report Uncovers Fake News In Metals Market

While there is a lot of FAKE NEWS in the media, I decided to discuss some of the Fake News that is taking place in the precious metals industry.  In this update, I cover what I believe are Two Fake News events taking place, but this is only the Tip of a massive Iceberg….

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