April 2023

COPPER MINING MEET THE ENERGY CLIFF: The Global Copper Mining Supply Gets Into Serious Trouble After 2025

In just a few short years, the Copper Mining Industry will reach peak production, which will signify the pinnacle of the Global High-Tech Economy.  Thus, the idea that AI or ChatGPT will be the new “Game Changer” for the human race, will also fade away into history as another high-tech delusion…

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MASSIVE FRENCH PENSION PROTESTS COMING SOON TO A CITY NEAR YOU: Energy Cliff Dynamics Will Destroy Centralized Governments

The massive French Pension Protests are a warning sign for the rest of the world.  Unfortunately, the Energy Cliff dynamics are making it impossible for the public and private pension systems to continue.  Watch as these types of protests spread throughout the world in the years ahead…

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ENERGY CLIFF… EUROPE’S NEXT ENERGY CRISIS: Low Natgas Prices & Surpluses Turning Back Into High Prices & Shortages

All the Stars aligned nicely for Europe this winter and early spring to survive an even worse energy crisis this year.  So, what for 2023 and into the coming winter?  Good question.  If we look at the natgas market, don’t count on higher natgas prices yet, unless we have some sort of exogenous event..

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EXPLODING U.S. GOVT DEFICITS: Crucial For Investors To Protect Wealth & Purchasing Power In Silver

The U.S. Treasury released a “Shockingly High” monthly account deficit report for March.  Also, the U.S. government budget for Fiscal 2023 is now totally useless.  With U.S. deficits exploding, it’s crucial for investors to protect wealth and purchasing power in silver…

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TOP SILVER MINING STOCKS UPDATE APR 11th: What Do The Technicals Show & What Are The Best Mining Stocks To Consider

If you are going to invest in silver mining stocks, it’s wise to consider the better-performing companies.  In this update, I show which silver mining stocks have outperformed their peers and what is the best strategy when considering buying and selling shares…

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