GLOBAL RECESSION UPDATE JUN 5th: Global Auto Sales Continue To Collapse & U.S. Retail & Housing Inventories Explode Higher

The U.S. and global economy are heading towards a massive recession while the broader stock markets continue to believe in GREEN SHOOTS and HOPIUM.  Not only are U.S. auto sales down considerably this year, they just simply COLLAPSED in May.  Also, the popping of the Mighty U.S. Housing Bubble has begun as home inventories are now back on the rise.  This all points to a large Disinflationary Wave…

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SURGING ENERGY COSTS NOW IMPACTING GOLD & SILVER MINING INDUSTRY: Future Cost Escalation To Push Precious Metals Prices Higher

The skyrocketing oil and natural gas prices are now impacting the global gold and silver mining industry much greater than a decade ago.  Why?  When oil was trading at over $100 a barrel from 2011 to 2014, the natural gas price was relatively low.  That has all changed today as oil and natural gas prices are both at extremely high levels.  Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of much higher energy prices in the future…

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Western Elite Meet in Davos, Eastern Elite Meet in Bishkek

While the Western media outlets are full of the Western elite meeting in Davos discussing the latest in technocracy, there was another meeting held at the same time in the East. Specifically, the Eastern elite has met in Bishkek in the Kyrgyz Republic to discuss the end of globalization and a new beginning of something that will be very different than what we in the West are used to.

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U.S. PONZI ECONOMICS: How Much Will The U.S. Money Supply Grow In The Next Two Years?

If Americans believe inflation is terrible now, just wait until what happens in the next several years.  While the U.S. Government is currently trying to stamp down inflation, the rising money supply and continued skyrocketing energy prices in the next few years will wreak havoc on Americans.  In this update, I analyze how much the U.S. money supply will grow in two years…

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While the European economy is facing a severe contraction due to skyrocketing natural gas and energy prices, Big Energy Cracks are now appearing in China.  Due to high LNG prices, China has switched to producing and burning more coal.  Even with rising coal consumption, China may still suffer from power outages again this summer.  This could be bad news for China and the rest of the world…

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TOM CLOUD UPDATE: Precious Metals & Alternative Hard Assets Update May 31st 2022

In Tom’s newest update, he talks about the Gold and Silver market and why Gold is holding up better than silver.  However, Tom believes silver will likely catch up with gold’s gains in the future.  Even though demand for both precious metals is strong, the silver premiums have been falling a bit while gold premiums, especially for the Gold Eagles have been increasing.  Tom also suggests that it’s important to continue to Dollar-Cost Average for your metals purchases because it may become difficult…

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