U.S. PERMIAN PEAK OIL: Get Ready For Massive 1970s Style Inflation

It looks like the Peak in Permian Oil Production may come sooner rather than later.  This is bad news because the world will face another massive 1970s-style oil price inflation.  Unfortunately, Economists, Markets, and Financial Industry are totally clueless as they focus on Interest Rates & Debt Ceilings…

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MUST SEE GOLD CHART & MARKET UPDATE MAY 29th: Implications Of This Gold Chart The Market Doesn’t Want You To See

This is a “MUST SEE” Gold chart that the market doesn’t want you to see or understand the profound implications taking place.  Actually, I was quite surprised by the figures when I made the chart.  There now seems to be a growing Trend-Change between the EAST vs. WEST…

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SETTING UP FOR FAILURE: Troubling Story Behind Portland General Electric Utility

As the United States ramps up Green Energy, the tremendous costs and problems are escalating.  We can see this through a perfect example in the Troubling Signs at PGE – Portland General Electric Utility.  PGE is a typical example of the Green Energy Transition Disaster occurring in the U.S. and worldwide…

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THIS TIME IS DIFFERENT: We Won’t Have The Future Oil Supply Growth & That’s Bad News For The Economy

Yes, it’s true… this Time is Different. Because world economic growth is based upon oil production growth, we have “Run Out The Clock.” With the world running full speed toward the Energy Cliff, the global oil supply will get into serious trouble after 2025…

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