Pan American Silver vs. First Majestic Never Before Seen Charts & Analysis: Fundamentals Driving Stock Price

Is Pan American Silver or First Majestic a better quality stock to own?  How many investors really know the answer?  Unfortunately, most investors have no idea because most of the mining stock analysis tends to be more short-term or superficial.  To understand these top primary silver miners’ values, we…

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World’s Top Mining Companies Fuel Consumption Equals How Many Earth’s Population Of Human Energy?

In a never-before-seen chart, the world’s largest mining companies’ amount of fuel consumption would equal a staggering amount of human workers.  Unfortunately, there aren’t enough people on the earth to provide the same amount of energy consumed as fuel by the top miners.  Not even close…

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ConocoPhillips-Concho Merger: A Union Guaranteed To Optimize Investor Losses

More often than not, mergers are done to benefit the company and not the investors.  I believe the merger of ConocoPhillips and Concho Resources fits into this category.  Interestingly, ConocoPhillips decided to go on with the merger even though its own domestic oil and gas sector is struggling…

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