PALISADES RADIO INTERVIEW: Why Is The SLV Bleeding Silver & The Coming Energy Cliff

Why does JP Morgan’s SLV ETF continue to bleed silver??  I discuss this and many other topics with Tom at Palisades Radio.  Also, will the continued “Shortsqueeze campaign” bring in more investors and higher prices??  It could.  However, even if it doesn’t the mid to long-term fundamentals for silver…

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TRADE UPDATE: ExxonMobil & The Oil Price

This is a Trade Update for our ongoing ExxonMobil short position as well as the oil price.  The oil price on the quarterly chart has bounced off a long-term trendline, which may suggest a correction is ahead.  Thus, a correction in the oil price will also impact the XLE Energy Sector ETF and ExxonMobil…

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BREAKING NEWS: Top Silver Mining Industry Average Yield Falls To The Lowest Level Ever

With the results finally out, the top Silver Mining Industry’s average yield fell to the lowest level ever.  While the pandemic shutdowns reduced overall silver production significantly, it didn’t impact the ore grades all that much.  Since 2005, the top seven silver mining companies and mines saw their average yield…

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THE MISSING LINK: The Collapse Of The Roman Empire By Peak Silver Production

In one of the most important discoveries I have made from my research, I provide the “Missing Link” to the Roman Empire’s collapse by peak silver production.  The Ancient Roman Empire financed its growth by the tremendous amount of silver extracted from Spanish ore.  However, when silver…

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