SILVER BULLION TV SRSROCCO INTERVIEW: Energy Cliff Modern High-Tech Global Economy vs. Late Bronze Age Collapse

The world faces the same fate that took place during the Late Bronze Age Collapse… 3,000 years ago.  During my interview with Patrick at Silver Bullion TV, I explained why the Global High-Tech Economy will be in serious trouble in the future.  While many investors believe all our problems are due…

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IMPORTANT SILVER & GOLD MARKET UPDATE MAY 12th: Interesting Metals Dynamics

This is an important Silver & Gold update explaining the difference between the short-term technicals and the longer-term bullish fundamentals.  While I include gold in this update, I focus mostly on silver because I believe it will totally surprise the market in the future.  Sure, gold will always be the king monetary metal…

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Market Outlook and Trade Ideas (VIDEO UPDATE)

It seems that many markets are in the final stages of their respective topping patterns. In this video we look at some of them and try to analyze what’s coming next. We focus on the metals, especially Palladium and Silver, as well as on the broader stock markets and, finally, on cryptos. There are a lot of good opportunities coming up that our followers might be interested in.

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JOHN DEERE TRADE UPDATE: The Stock With Plenty Of Downside Ahead

This is an update to our John Deere trade.  Unfortunately, for those bullish John Deere investors, the stock has plenty of downside ahead.  Of course, nothing is stopping John Deere’s share price from going up even higher, but at some point, there won’t be another SUCKER on the planet that will pay a penny more…

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LBMA Makes Little 100 Million Ounce Silver Inventory Error & War Of Silver ETFs Continues

The LBMA announced today that they made a small error in overstating its silver inventories last month.  According to the press release, the LBMA recorded an additional 3,300 metric tons of silver in March.  That turns out to be a bit more than 106 million oz.  That’s half of the total global physical silver investment last year…

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