The U.S. is in serious trouble as its “Real Economy” has been replaced with a “Financial & Technology Bubble” of epic proportions.  A perfect example is the one-day 12% loss of Tesla’s stock today… the epitome of High-Tech on Steroids.  This MUST-WATCH video shows how the U.S. economy has transitioned from…

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THE NEXT FINANCIAL CRISIS: Big Silver Price Moves When Institutions & Large Investors Can’t Get Enough Silver

Few in the precious metals community realize that the coming BIG MOVES in the silver price will happen when Institutions and large investors experience the same problem that small investors have when trying to purchase retail bullion in a tight market.  But, it will be much worse because there isn’t that much…

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WHO ARE WE KIDDING??: Biden To OPEC & Russia “Must Pump More Oil To Help American Working Class”

After Biden called out for OPEC & Russia to pump more oil to help ordinary Americans, he was promptly refused.  And, not only Biden, but the Secretary of Energy also publicly blamed OPEC for high crude oil prices. This is simply amazing when we realize that the United States is still the largest producer of oil…

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ROYALTY GOLD COMPANIES: Are They Really Worth It For Investors?

Many precious metals investors believe that Gold Royalty companies are a good investment because they make a lot of money on royalty streams rather than the risky venture of discovering, building, and operating mines.  While this is certainly true, if we consider how royalty companies have rewarded investors…

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WHAT WILL PUSH GOLD TO $2,500+: Gold ETF Demand Main Factor For Much Higher Prices

Investors who want to know what will be the main driver of $2,500 gold prices, look no further than Gold ETF demand.  Yes, it’s true.  While gold bar and coin demand is a significant percentage of the gold market, the surge in Gold ETF demand tends to be the main price driver and has been in the past…

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