U.S. Investors Continue To Devour Canadian Silver & Gold Maple Bullion Products

Americans continue to buy a great deal of silver and gold bullion, with a large percentage coming from Canada.  It’s truly amazing how much of the Royal Canadian Mint’s Silver and Gold Maples are purchased by Americans.  With both Silver and Gold Maple Leaf sales up considerably this year, the majority are shipped south to U.S. investors…

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METALS, MARKET & ENERGY UPDATE OCT 24th: Energy Crisis Continues To Scare Markets

Is the oil price going up to $200 a barrel?  Some analysts believe we are heading for much higher energy prices.  While this may be the case, we need to look at the fundamental data to understand the energy markets better.  Also, don’t high gasoline prices impact consumer demand?  Sure it does…

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COMING U.S. SHALE OIL COLLAPSE: How Fracking On Steroids Allows The Shale House Of Cards To Continue

In this important Gold Member video presentation, I explain how “Fracking on Steroids” has allowed the U.S. Shale Oil Industry’s House Of Cards to continue.  Investors need to understand what is taking place with energy because it is the number one driver of the global economy.  And, with U.S. shale oil production…

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This is a must-watch video on Global Oil Production & Price Inflation.  Not only has peak oil production impacted the price, so has the Falling EROI.  When the oil price rises, it thunders throughout the market and economy.  Also, I show how the Money Supply had “Nothing” to do with the massive 1970’s inflation…

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TRIGGER ALERT: We Are Now Short Continental Resources & ConocoPhillips

As mentioned in our Weekend Metals & Update, I planned to put out a Trade Trigger Update for the energy stocks.  I also mentioned we had gone short Continental Resources (CLR) early last week, and now we have added ConocoPhillips (COP) to our short trade positions.  I have to WARN; this is HIGHLY SPECULATIVE on our part…

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