Cryptos and Precious Metals VIDEO UPDATE

Today we primarily look at the price action in cryptos and precious metals — silver, gold, palladium, and platinum. In this video update we try to evaluate whether cryptos could cause the precious metals to reach certain key price points. Since all markets are highly interconnected, we need to carefully consider the causalities among them.

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Asian Semiconductor & Electronic Manufacturing Countries Highly Dependent On Natural Gas

The world’s top producers of semiconductors and electronics in Asia are highly dependent on natural gas imports to run their electric grid.  One country that has increased its manufacturing of semiconductors and other electronics over the past several years consumed a staggering amount of natural gas as a percentage…

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METALS & MARKET UPDATE SEPT 26th: Energy Still Impacting Markets While Investors Favor Inflated Paper Assets

Energy continues to be a major factor impacting the markets while the Fed and central banks prop up the global economy with trillions of bonds and debt.  Unfortunately, most investors who have been bamboozled by central banks are going to lose the majority of their wealth as the world heads over…

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WHY INVESTORS SHOULD OWN PRECIOUS METALS: Global Market Outstanding Bond Value vs Total World Oil Consumption

These two charts should convince investors why they should own precious metals.  The staggering increase in the Global Market Bonds Outstanding over the past few years has far outpaced the increase in world oil demand.  This is a very bad sign not spoken about in the mainstream media or by any precious metals analysts…

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18th CENTURY WARSHIP vs. WW2 BATTLESHIP: Amazing Resources & Energy Consumed

It’s truly amazing the staggering amount of resources consumed in warships throughout the ages.  While the 18th-century wooden warships were much smaller than the massive U.S. “Iowa-Class” battleships during the mid-1900s, they still consumed a large percentage of energy and resources for their time…

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