Precious Metals

COPPER & SILVER PRICE SQUEEZE UPDATE JAN 11th 2025: Trump’s Tariffs Causing Huge Price Volatility For Leveraged Traders

Get prepared for possibly much higher metal prices as Trump continues his “Tariff Trade War Policies.”  Even with the broader market selloff this past week, precious metals and copper prices surged higher.  While Bloomberg published a recent article on this, Bob Coleman of Idaho Armored Vaults has warned about it for a month and a half…

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BIG GAME CHANGER IN THE SILVER MARKET: Must See Charts Why Silver Will Outperform Gold

Even though investors haven’t realized it yet, a BIG GAME CHANGER is taking place in the silver market.  Now, this is something happening overnight, but it is more of a process.  When we compare this sector to the gold and silver industry, we can see how much it impacts the market forces…

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METALS & MARKET UPDATE JAN 4th 2025: Massive Bearish Wedge In Tech Stocks & What’s Next For Gold & Silver In 2025?

As we head into the new year, there is a Massive Bearish Wedge in Tech stocks that won’t correct sideways.  The amount of leverage and insanity in the markets today is unreal.  When a new meme crypto called Fartcoin has a higher market cap than the SIL – Silver Miners ETF, you know something is seriously wrong…

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STOCK MARKET BUBBLE UPDATE DEC 21st: Huge Inflows In GLD & SLV On Friday, So What’s Next For Gold & Silver

The Quick Market-meltdown after last week’s FOMC meeting was just a preview for much WORSE to come, likely in 2025.  The market is totally unprepared for a fast and severe market correction.  However, on Friday, we saw huge net inflows into the GLD and SLV ETFs…

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