Precious Metals

METALS & MARKET UPDATE OCT 14th: Middle East Conflict May Cause Serious Disruptions To Highly Leveraged Global Markets

If the Middle East conflict escalates, this could be very BAD NEWS for the highly leveraged financial and economic markets.  It’s no wonder the gold price surged by $64 on Friday.  Unfortunately, any major disruption can cause chain-reaction defaults in finance and move to the safety of hard assets…

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METALS & ENERGY MARKET UPDATE OCT 8th: Is The Metals Selloff Over & What’s Next For The Oil & Natgas Market

Is the gold and silver price sell-off over?  In this update, I share the charts and fundamentals taking place in the precious metals as well as the oil and natgas market.  While many believe the oil price is heading much lower, I think the opposite is the case…

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MORE NAILS FOR THE U.S. & GLOBAL ENERGY CLIFF COFFIN: Big Trouble In Saudi Arabia & Replying To Silver Symposium Comments

With more information coming out and confirming our suspensions, the Nails continue to be added to the U.S. & the Global Oil Industry Coffin.  Using newly updated data from a retired petroleum engineer from Total France, the situation does not look good for the USA and the world…

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SILVER SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION: The Energy Cliff & Move From Building Wealth To Protecting Wealth

Here is my Silver Symposium presentation for SRSrocco Report members.  Interestingly, while I presented this information to the attendees, another LIGHT-BULB went off in my head.  It is very IMPORTANT that you all watch this presentation because I also believe it will CONNECT MORE DOTS…

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