
The U.S. Government To Fork Out A Half Trillion To Service Its Debt In 2018

The U.S. Government is going to surpass another significant milestone this year.  According to the recently released data from the, the government will fork out a stunning half trillion dollars just to service its debt in 2018.  Unfortunately, as U.S. interest rates rise, along with ever-expanding public debt, the…

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EXTREME OIL PRICE VOLATILITY: Bad Sign That All Is Not Well In The Markets

The markets are in serious trouble as the extreme oil price volatility continues to devastate the global economy.  Investors and analysts today are totally clueless because they have become the frogs burnt to a crisp in the frying pan.  Over the past several decades, the oil price has fluctuated tremendously,…

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U.S. ENERGY INDEPENDENCE?? Still Importing Nearly 8 Million Barrels Of Oil Per Day

How is the U.S. is becoming “Energy Independent,” if we are still importing almost 8 million barrels per day of oil??  While the Mainstream media and the Whitehouse continue with the energy independent mantra, the U.S. is still highly reliant upon a great deal of foreign oil.  And, why would the U.S. import 8…

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