
HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM: Dow Jones Index Totally Disconnects From The Employment Data

It’s no surprise to most investors that the Fed is propping up the stock market.  However, if we compare the Dow Jones Index versus the continued unemployment claims, something seriously wrong is going on.  According to the St. Louis Federal Reserve, continued unemployment claims are nearly four times higher than…

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CHART OF THE WEEK: The Unemployment Rate Signals The Dow Jones Index To Crash To This Level

Even with the highest unemployment rate in more than 80 years, the U.S. Stock Market continues higher regardless of the lousy economic data and fundamentals.  However, without the massive money printing and liquidity injections by the Federal Reserve, the stock market indexes would be substantially lower. Unfortunately, the Fed is…

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Two Months Of New Currency In Circulation Could Buy A Stunning Amount Of Silver & Gold

The Federal Reserve issued a RECORD amount of new Currency in Circulation over the past two months.  While the financial media has focused on the massive amount of additional “Digital” money printing, the Fed also introduced more new DOLLAR BILLS into the market from March to May than it did…

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GLOBAL ECONOMIC MELTDOWN: Major Impact On Silver Investment & Market

The global meltdown will turn into an economic depression in which few are prepared.  The mainstream financial media focuses on the highly inflated stock rally and safety in the bond market, while the underlying fundamentals of the economy continue to disintegrate.  However, “Earnings Season” is getting ready to start… so…

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COMING COLLAPSE OF U.S. FINANCIAL PONZI SCHEME: Leading To Exploding Gold & Silver Prices

Americans are totally unprepared for the coming collapse in the U.S. Financial Ponzi Scheme and Economy.  While the highly-leveraged debt-based U.S. financial system and economy were going to implode on their own in due time, the global contagion has sped up the process considerably. Unfortunately, there is no way that…

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