
PRECIOUS METALS PRICE MANIPULATION: How Much Is It Impacting The Gold & Silver Miners Versus Leading Companies?

If precious metals price manipulation is taking place, how much is it impacting the gold and silver miners versus the top tech and blue-chip companies?  According to many analysts in the precious metals community, the supposed manipulation of the gold and silver prices’ has gone on WAY TOO LONG…

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Popping Of Tech Stock Market Cap Bubble Extremely Bullish For Gold & Silver Miners

Unfortunately for most investors, when the Great Tech Stock Bubble pops, it’s going to get very ugly.  With the U.S. Tech Sector now worth more than the entire European Stock Market, Americans are sitting on some extremely overvalued stocks.  However, what will be bad news for tech stocks will be…

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U.S. ECONOMY DISINTEGRATION CONTINUES: Solution… Fed Digital Dollars Coming Your Way

While Americans are back to doing one of the favorite pastimes, by driving up and down the U.S. Interstate Highways, the economy’s fundamentals continue to disintegrate.  But, you wouldn’t know it if you turned on CNBC or Fox Business, applauding how the broader markets are now very close to their all-time…

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