Articles by SRSrocco

BREAKING NEWS MARKET UPDATE SEPT 11th: Something Is About To Break In Silver Market As European Energy Crisis Worsens

Not only has Smart Money become Net Long in Silver, they are also long in other metals.  So, why does there continue to be a massive short position against the Silver SLV ETF?  Good question.  There seems to be an enormous, record Hedge bet on the market for a Crash; thus, investors think the silver price will continue to fall.  But will it…

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Green Energy California Burning Massive Amount Of Natural Gas To Generate Electricity To Keep The Lights On

The so-called Green Energy State that announced the banning of sales of gasoline vehicles in 2035 is burning a massive amount of fossil fuels just to keep the lights on.  Yes, indeed… California’s Electric Grid used 4 TIMES more Natgas Power than Wind & Solar… what do you think of them apples…

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You have to see what’s going on behind the scene in the Silver Market.  It is, by far, the most Extreme & Bizarre Silver Market Setup I have ever seen.  In this update, I show why something Big is about to happen in the silver market due to the Extreme forces taking place on both sides…

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CRITICAL SILVER MARKET FACTORS: Tremendous Amount Of Silver, Not Gold, Leaving London & Why Market Is Setting Up For Higher Prices

The dynamics in the Silver Market continue to get more interesting each passing day.  One fascinating development is the tremendous amount of silver metal leaving London while gold inventories haven’t declined all that much.  Where is the metal going?  I provide the details in this Strategic Report…

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GOLDSEEK RADIO SRSROCCO REPORT INTERVIEW: Silver Being Sold For Lower Than The Production Cost

With the silver market price now lower than most primary silver miners’ production costs, this low level may not last long.  This is especially true when we factor in the surging silver lease rates, suggesting a real tightness and shortage of metal for traders in the market…

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METALS & MARKET UPDATE SEPT 4th: Major Energy Price Riots Just Beginning & Why The Silver Market Is Setting Up For A Big Reversal

If the world believes the current Energy Crisis is just a short-term cyclical problem, wait until we begin to head over the ENERGY CLIFF.  The major riots we are now seeing in response to surging energy and food prices, are just the beginning.  Also, there are some fascinating developments happening in the Silver Market…

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