Articles by SRSrocco

PEAK U.S. FUEL CONSUMPTION? Has The U.S. Already Peaked In Fuel Consumption & One MUST SEE Chart

Has the U.S. Peaked in Fuel Consumption?  If so, that signifies the Peak of the U.S. Empire & Economy.  Also, there is a Must-See chart that shows the negative impact oil prices have on Americans’ demand for driving and flying.  And, with rising energy prices in the future, this doesn’t bode well for the American Suburban Economy…

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TOP SILVER MINERS Q4 2022 REPORT: Costs Hit Record Highs & Are We Getting Ready For A Silver Breakout??

Just like the gold miners, the primary silver miners’ costs reached a record high in Q4 2022.  Even the largest silver producer in the world, Fresnillo PLC, recorded the highest costs ever.  Also, is the silver price still heading for a BREAKOUT…

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GET READY FOR SERIOUS INFLATION IN THE FUTURE: Energy, Not Money Printing, The Main Factor Driving Consumer Price Inflation

If you think the high consumer prices have been bad, get prepared for serious INFLATION in the future.  Why?  Because Energy is the main driver of inflation, not money printing.  And, when the world begins to head over the ENERGY CLIFF, the world will experience inflation as it has never before…

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Traders and the Market are preparing for much higher gold prices as bullish bets on gold hit record highs.  But, is this a good sign?  We will see, especially if the banking crisis continues to spread throughout the world in the following weeks and months…

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BANKING CONTAGION CONTINUES & METALS UPDATE MAR 24th: Next Week Could See Technical Breakout In Gold & Silver & Premiums Surging Higher

Investors are piling into gold and silver as the Banking Contagion spreads from the U.S. to Credit Suisse and now Deutsche Bank.  Not only is this driving up the premiums, next week is also an important technical BREAKOUT area for Gold and Silver…

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NATGAS ENERGY CLIFF CREATES EXTREME CYCLES: Now Heading Towards Massive Supply Glut To Push Natgas Prices Even Lower

I know it sounds crazy, but get ready for a Massive Natgas Glut and even lower prices.  Why?  Welcome to the Energy Cliff that creates extreme volatility in both directions.  What a difference in just six months when Europe was on the verge of an Energy Crisis during the winter…

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