Articles by SRSrocco

BARRICK GOLD HITS RECORD COSTS AS MALI GOVT THREATENS CEO WITH ARREST: Company’s Costs Inch Higher While Mali Govt Suspends Gold Mine Shipments

As Barrick hit a new all-time high cost to produce gold in the fourth quarter, the Mali Government threatened the CEO with arrest if he entered their country.  This sounds like something right out of a NetFlix movie.  The Mali Government also suspended Barrick’s Loulo-Grounkoto Mine’s gold shipments…

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THE DEATH OF PEAK OIL… NOT SO FAST: Global Oil Production Running Into The Energy Cliff Chainsaw As Politicians Gut Regulations & Safety

While we hear more talk about the supposed Death of Peak Oil, the world is running straight into the Energy Cliff Chainsaw.  What does that mean?  Well, if you see what is happening in the Texas Permian shale oil field, there are serious problems the government would rather keep quiet…

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TRUMP CUTTING COSTS? & GOLD MARKET UPDATE FEB 9th: Are Trump & Musk Cutting Govt Spending & What’s Going On In The Gold Market For 2025

With all the talk of Trump & Musk cutting government spending… are they really?  If we look at some of the Public debt data and U.S. Treasury Issuance, something just doesn’t seem right.  Also, what’s going on in the Gold Market in 2025, and will we see much higher prices this year…

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IMPORTANT GOLD & SILVER UPDATE FEB 7th 2025: Gold Hits New High, Threats Of LBMA Default & Interesting COMEX Charts

With the gold price hitting an all-time high today, we continue to see many analysts on social media threatening an LBMA gold default.  Also, a record amount of silver was removed from the LBMA in January, but not all of it went to New York.  And there are important must-see COMEX Charts…

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