Articles by SRSrocco

MARKETS, ENERGY & METALS UPDATE JULY 21st: Big Moves Up & Down Last Week, So What’s Next

After the BIG moves UP & DOWN in the broader markets and gold last week, what’s next?  With gold and silver being oversold on the short-term chart, a bunch higher is likely on Monday-Tuesday.  Also, there was a significant change in the Gold COT Report that you will find interesting…

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GOLD HITS RECORD NEW HIGH… WHAT’S NEXT?? Important Must See Gold Charts Not Found Anywhere Else

In its 2,500+ year history, gold hit a record high today, surpassing $2,470 —just a stone’s throw from $2,500.  While this is excellent news, we must look at “Important Must-See Gold Charts” that are not found anywhere else in the precious metals industry…

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U.S. COAL FIRED POWER… DEAD?? Plenty Of Spare Capacity Can Be Ramped Up If Natgas Power Gets Into Trouble

With the retirement of nearly half of the U.S. Coal Generating Capacity in the past 15 years is Coal-Fired Power… DEAD?  I don’t think so.  Matter-a-fact, if natgas power generation gets into trouble, there is plenty of spare coal-fired capacity that can come online…

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GOLD & SILVER MARKET UPDATE JULY 11th: Chinese Trader Taking On JP Morgan & Why Investors Still Selling Metals?

With the Gold and Silver Prices surging higher today, news of a Chinese trader taking on JP Morgan hit the Alt-Media airwaves today.  So, is there a Big Chinese Trader taking on JP Morgan?  If so, why are precious metals investors selling rather than buying metal…

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