Articles by SRSrocco

LATE BRONZE AGE COLLAPSE: Amazing Parallels To The Coming Collapse Of The High-Tech Global Economy

This is a MUST WATCH presentation on the Late Bronze Age Collapse and its parallel to the coming collapse of our High-Tech Global Economy.  It’s quite amazing how advanced the different empires were doing the Late Bronze Age and how quickly they collapsed.  The information in this video provides my analysis of the major factors…

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ENERGY CLIFF COUNTDOWN: Indian Point Nuclear Plant Shut Down, Decommissioning Issues & Add More Fossil Fuels

After 58 years of operation on the Hudson Bay, the New York Indian Point Nuclear Plant shut down operations at its last unit yesterday.  While many are applauding the shutdown of Indian Point, there are big troubles brewing due to the closure of the nuclear facility.  One major issue that is not considered…

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World Gold Council’s Accounting Suggests Global Silver Market Suffered A Quarter-Billion Oz Deficit In 2020

According to the World Gold Council’s accounting standards, the silver market DID NOT experience a record surplus last year as reported by Metals Focus Consultancy, which provides the analysis for the World Silver Surveys.  During a recent interview on Kitco this week, Philip Newman, managing director…

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2020 SILVER MARKET: Large Surplus Or Deficit & What’s Missing From The Analysis

Was there a record silver surplus last year as stated by a Metals Focus Analyst on Kitco??  Many silver investors are now puzzled by this claim that the silver market was in a large surplus, even though there was record physical and ETF silver demand.  In my newest update, I explain why I disagree…

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