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Global Semiconductor Shortage May Go From Bad To Worse As Taiwan Covid-19 Cases Surge

A surge in Taiwan’s Covid-19 cases may worsen the global semiconductor shortage if the country implements economic shutdowns to stem the spread of the virus.  In just the past two weeks, daily Covid-19 cases surged from less than ten to over 400.  Actually, the current surge in Taiwan’s Covid-19 cases is nearly 20 times higher…

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There is a major battle that will take place in the silver market, which will push the price to new all-time highs.  This battle will be based on what I call a “Four-pronged Attack.”  It’s not just physical silver bullion buyers that will win the battle, but also due to three other important components…

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SILVER BULLION TV SRSROCCO INTERVIEW: Energy Cliff Modern High-Tech Global Economy vs. Late Bronze Age Collapse

The world faces the same fate that took place during the Late Bronze Age Collapse… 3,000 years ago.  During my interview with Patrick at Silver Bullion TV, I explained why the Global High-Tech Economy will be in serious trouble in the future.  While many investors believe all our problems are due…

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LBMA Makes Little 100 Million Ounce Silver Inventory Error & War Of Silver ETFs Continues

The LBMA announced today that they made a small error in overstating its silver inventories last month.  According to the press release, the LBMA recorded an additional 3,300 metric tons of silver in March.  That turns out to be a bit more than 106 million oz.  That’s half of the total global physical silver investment last year…

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Total World Silver Investment Continues To Put a Huge Squeeze On Global Mine Supply

After total world silver investment put a huge squeeze on global mine supply last year, the same trend continues during the first quarter of 2021.  Investment demand for both physical and ETF silver remains just as strong as it was last year.  This is putting a huge squeeze on the silver market…

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