MORE CALIFORNIA BLACKOUTS?? Wind Power Fails As Temperatures Surge

With more warnings of electricity blackouts in California as temperatures surge, authorities conveniently omit the huge decline in wind power over the past week.  The media seems to be focused more on the drought and problems associated with hydro-power generation than the failure of Green Wind Power.

According to the CNN article, A California reservoir is expected to fall so low that a hydro-power plant will shut down for first time, low water tables are putting a real KABOSH on hydro-power generation.  While this is most certainly true, I haven’t found any news sources reporting on the HUGE DROP in California’s wind power.

If we look at the following chart from the EIA – U.S. Energy Information Agency, we can clearly see that if it weren’t for Natural Gas electric generation, California would be in a world of hurt.

On June 10th, wind power accounted for 22% of the California CISO Grid power generation, while Natural Gas (Natgas) accounted for 27%.  Now, compare that to wind collapsing to just 6% of total power generation on June 17th while Natgas surged 62%.  Here are the actual figures for Wind & Natgas power generation for these two days:

  • June 10th Wind Power = 87,853 MWh
  • June 10th Natgas Power = 109,623 MWh
  • June 17th Wind Power = 35,992 MWh
  • June 17th Natgas Power = 399,699 MWh

From June 10th to June 17th, Wind Power in California fell nearly 60%, while Natgas power surged by 265%.  Now, think about this.  What happens when California doubles or triples its Wind Power generation when another heatwave hits the state in the future??  This is the problem with scaling up Wind and Solar Power.  You can get away with adding 5-10% of wind and solar to the grid, but when adding 25-50%… don’t be surprised when BROWN & BLACKOUTS become the norm.

Green Energy Fails In Texas In Both Winter & Summer

If we thought California was dealing with power issues, you can add Texas to that list.  Due to high temperatures, wind power generation in Texas has also dropped like a rock.  According to the Texas ERCOT Grid, wind power generation fell to a low of just 4% on June 15th compared to 39% on May 23rd.

The two power sources that are the most volatile in the chart above are Wind and Natgas.  Nuclear, Coal, and Solar remain about the same… more or less.  However, at night, solar power goes to ZERO.  If it weren’t for the huge increase in Natgas power generation, Texans would be in a WORLD OF HURT.  Here are the actual power figures for these two periods:

  • May 23rd Wind Power = 374,359 MWh
  • May 23rd Natgas Power = 241,698 MWh
  • June 15th Wind Power = 58,513 MWh
  • June 15th Natgas Power = 811,741 MWh

From May 23rd to June 15th, Texas wind power plummeted 84%, while Natgas power surged 236%.  Do we see a trend here between California and Texas?  During two peaks and valleys of wind power in California and Texas, Natgas power came to the rescue by increasing 265% and 236% respectively.

Furthermore, we can’t forget about the huge problem when the wind power failed during the massive Freeze this past winter as Natgas came to the rescue again, before failing with everything else.   Natgas generation during the Texas freeze increased to 61% of total power generation before it failed…. moderately.

Again, what happens when the United States ramps up total Wind & Solar power from 12% of the total electric grid supply in 2020 to 29% by 2030??  And, what if U.S. shale gas production declines significantly by 2030?  How will we offset this huge INTERMITTENCY issue of Green Energy?

These are all very important issues that are not being addressed.  Rather, the United States is plowing full speed ahead to adding lots of Wind and Solar Power.  As the world heads over the ENERGY CLIFF in the next 5-10 years, watch as the love of Green Energy goes by the wayside, as people start to focus on surviving the coming energy, food, and goods shortages.

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9 Comments on "MORE CALIFORNIA BLACKOUTS?? Wind Power Fails As Temperatures Surge"

  1. SoCalRobert6 | June 18, 2021 at 6:56 pm |

    From SRSrocco Report, yet another eyeopener that is not disclosed in the heavy coverage of grid and global warming articles published by the LA Times. They (the LA Times editors) keep trotting out the need to decommission the nuclear power plants and stop relying on dirty greenhouse gasses for electricity, because those systems are fraught with risk to the people and environment.

    I am a subscriber of LA Times and I read their articles and even their newsletters that they deliver via email to me. However, I rely on the balance that Steve delivers and am so glad to be among the Gold Members. Thank goodness for Steve!

  2. JIMBO354135 | June 18, 2021 at 7:56 pm |

    Steve ROCKS!

  3. robobrewer | June 19, 2021 at 3:27 am |

    Is wind speed going down as the temperatures rise? Why is the wind power failing during more extreme conditions?

  4. MontanaGriz92 | June 19, 2021 at 10:58 am |

    Thanks for the great content. Just a subtle suggestion that the standard industry abbreviation for the California Independent System Operator is “CAISO” and is pronounced “KI-SO” with a long “I”.

  5. gemini105mc | June 19, 2021 at 11:24 am |

    Your article reminds me of an old engineering maxim, “theory guides, data decides”. Maybe the “Green Deal” crowd should take a look at it. Fat chance! Since their minds are made up, why be confused with facts. Not a pretty picture.

  6. Petedivine | June 19, 2021 at 3:38 pm |

    I think you need to have an alternative power source at your residence. Something to keep the power on for the refrigerator and a couple of rooms. You should also have something setup for sanitation. Many municipal sewage pumps run on electric power from the grid. So it won’t be long before the toilets and drains stop draining. Of course water pumps might also stop working. If you go with a generator make sure you find one that can run without letting the neighbors know you’ve got power. Lot’s of things to consider.

    • Argentum Gratia Argenteis | June 21, 2021 at 12:07 pm |

      You raise several good points. I’ve got experience in the areas that you mention. I’d like to make a comment for everyone’s consumption:

      I’d say that many on this site are “preparedness-oriented”. If one really wants to be prepared, then one should follow one or all my points of advice. I’m not trying to be a know-it-all, just sharing my real world experience.

      Yes, one should have a back-up generator. But one should really have two, or more, whatever one can afford. I’d say a minimum of three: 1) an installed 10Kw-15Kw system which operates automatically and feeds off piped-in natural gas or stationary LP tank and can run the entire house. 2) a portable, two-wheel type of about 4Kw-5kw, with DUAL FUEL capability (BBQ-type propane cylinder – gasoline). It must have a 30W 2-phase plug in order to operate 220V appliances such as MOST water well pumps (absolutely necessary) and clothes dryer (optional). 3) “hand-held” portable 2Kw unit for small jobs like basic lights, cell phone charging, microwave oven, hot plate/griddle, toaster. Preferably duel-fuel also. Also: great to have UPS back-up batteries for computers, phones and space lighting. Great to have 12V/110V inverters to use cars or trucks to power small loads in an emergency. Great to have solar charger for phones. Redundancy is key.

      Safety is paramount. Extra fuel containers (gasoline, LP) should be stored in free-standing, locked, well-ventilated shed or building away from dwellings. All generators need necessary switching/interlock equipment to be isolated from grid and each other! Hire a professional! Get some good basic home wiring and generator manuals. Have extra supplies such as wire, plugs, black electrical tape, heavy-duty extension cords, circuit breakers and fuses.

      Having natural gas/LP appliances is the best way to go: Hot water, stove-oven, dryer. Buy a NG/LP-powered refrigerator and/or freezer (yes, they make them) for your basement/pantry.

      One more thing: I hate to say it, this may trigger a lot of people, but if you live in a home with municipal sewer and/or water, you should seriously consider moving to a location that doesn’t require this. If you are really serious about survival in a grid-down, energy cliff, civil-unrest, bad-economy world, you must not be connected to municipal sewers. It’s not a matter of having no service (although this is bad enough). The problem is that there is about an 80% chance that the sewer will back up into your bathroom/laundry tub/basement and make your home temporarily or permanently uninhabitable. I guarantee you that, even if there is no water, people will use bottled water, lake water, pond water, any water they can find to flush their toilets. All city sewers incorporate electric lift stations and they may be out of service. And unless your house sits on a hill (and maybe, even if it does), the sewage has a very high probability to back up into homes.

      I know this is a little off-topic, but I’m just trying to help. The things I’m talking about require money, long-term planning and long supply chains. Please be prepared.

  7. Petedivine | June 19, 2021 at 3:42 pm |

    Something like 35% of U.S. grid power comes from natural gas. With the decline of fracking won’t the natural gas being used for base electricity eventually be in short supply?

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