
MUST WATCH: Peter Schiff Response To Australian 60 Minutes Hit Piece On Euro Pacific Bank

This is a much watch video by Peter Schiff regarding the Australian 60 Minutes Hit Piece on Euro Pacific Bank.  Peter Schiff is the co-owner of Euro Pacific Bank which was, according to Australia’s 60 Minutes, “Allegedly” committing fraud in regards to tax evasion and money laundering schemes…

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TOM CLOUD UPDATE: Some 401K’s Now Considering To Include Physical Gold Investment??

In Tom Cloud’s newest update, he starts with breaking news that some 401K’s are now considering physical gold as part of the investment portfolio.  Most 401K’s do not allow investors to include physical gold as part of their portfolio, but this could be changing soon.  With just 1% of Americans…

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The world is getting ready to head over the Thermodynamic Energy Cliff.  Unfortunately, the world is unprepared for the Energy Cliff’s negative impact because virtually no one understands it or sees it coming.  So, unless we make a drastic change, and quickly, the U.S. and world economies will go down…

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Silver Investing News SRSrocco Report Interview: Why Energy Will Drive Precious Metals Prices To New Highs

Prices for gold and silver have seen major increases this year, and interest in these precious metals is rising in tandem as both new and experienced investors rush to the space. But higher prices aren’t the only reason market watchers should pay attention to gold and silver. According to Steve…

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