The Tiny $40 Billion Silver Coin Market Is The Hard Asset Of The Future

Precious metals investors who have purchased Official Silver Coins will be holding onto one of the top Hard Assets in the future.  Why?  Because Official Silver Coins are the most recognized and high-quality silver bullion, the market will put a higher demand and premium on these bullion products.

I wanted to do an update on the Official Silver Coins because the market is focusing on 6 Leading Coins.  Amazingly, the top six official silver coins sold more than 111 million oz in 2021.  Again, these will be the top leaders in the years ahead.

Unfortunately, the well-known website is no longer with us.  It was shut down last week.  I discuss this at the beginning of my new Youtube Update.  Craig at TF Metals Report interviewed Tyler Wall, the CEO of SilverDoctors and SDBullion, about why they shut down the site.  While there were several reasons, the main one was the traffic declined to such a low level it wasn’t economical to continue.

I plan to provide the best quality and original analyses on the precious metals, mining, energy, and the economy, so I genuinely appreciate the support from subscribers.

We continue to sponsor Cloud Hard Assets on the SRSrocco Report because they provide some of the best bullion prices and services.  I store some of my metal and pay the lowest cost in the industry.

Also, Cloud Hard Assets is selling 90% Junk Silver at some of the lowest prices versus competitors.

You can contact Tom, Dan, or Katherine… Click here: CLOUD HARD ASSETS.  You can also call (800) 247-2812.

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DISCLAIMER: SRSrocco Report provides intelligent, well-researched information to those with interest in the economy and asset values. Neither SRSrocco Report nor any of its owners, officers, directors, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, service and content providers, producers or agents provide financial advisement services. Neither do we work miracles. We provide our content and opinions to readers only so that they may make informed decisions on all types of assets. Under no circumstances should you interpret opinions which SRSrocco Report or Steve St. Angelo offers on this or any other website as financial advice.

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7 Comments on "The Tiny $40 Billion Silver Coin Market Is The Hard Asset Of The Future"

  1. For those of you that are not a subscriber to the SRSrocco Report, I can say that I have heard,read and subscribed to many types of research over the many years that I was in the Industry. I will tell you that Steve is so detailed in his work as having a unique ability to look at relevant topics backed by showing you the facts and data behind his reasoning. Take it for a spin for a month which gives you time to view All his past research and I can say I believe you be Impressed and look forward to his next reports!

  2. AndreasVienna | January 13, 2023 at 9:06 am |

    Thank you, Steve

  3. DisappearingCulture | January 13, 2023 at 11:04 am |

    If you are catching occasional free posts but have not yet stepped up to a very inexpensive subscriber membership, you are missing some information and discussion that could have a profoundly beneficial affect on your future (planning and outcomes).

  4. I agree with all, the above comments. I am not, from within the financial industry, I am self-taught (probably like most) within this industry. I do however enjoy charts; they tell their own story. My interest has always been in “TECHNICAL ANALYSIS” charts because they tell you where the money is and I TRADE my own money, specializing in small cap Australian mining stocks.

    I have been following Steves’ work for around 10 years; I followed him because he did “FUNDAMENTAL” charts, charts I did not understand. He now does both, so I get the best of both worlds.

    Energy and the economy are becoming very complex; if you are to invest your own hard-earned money, you need all the help you can get, especially quality information that is outside the established view; that is what you will get on this web site.

    If you are new to this game, it will take you time to get in the groove, once there you will find it difficult to leave.

    Thanks Steve 🤑

  5. Agree with all my fellow commenters. As The Sponge advises, try this site for a month, really nothing to lose. Steve has an uncanny ability to get to the heart of the matter. No I am not being compensated for my thoughts. IMHO his blog site is the best out there and believe me I have sampled many many blog sites. All the best.

  6. Mehmet Çelenk | January 17, 2023 at 8:03 pm |

    Excellent presentation, Steve. Thanks a lot.

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