The Tiny $40 Billion Silver Coin Market Is The Hard Asset Of The Future

Precious metals investors who have purchased Official Silver Coins will be holding onto one of the top Hard Assets in the future.  Why?  Because Official Silver Coins are the most recognized and high-quality silver bullion, the market will put a higher demand and premium on these bullion products. I wanted…

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The secret known by many wealthy investors is that Diamonds are the most portable form of wealth in the world.  Jacques Voorhees, known as the Father of online Diamond Trading, explains why Diamonds provide investors with the highest concentrated form of wealth when it’s critical to move quickly. If we…

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U.S. INTEREST EXPENSE UP 50% IN TWO MONTHS: Nearly Same As The Total Value Of World Transparent Silver Holdings

The U.S. government just released its November Treasury Statement with a shocker that the Debt-Service Interest Expense surged 50% in the first two months.  This is a great deal of money when it equals nearly the same value for World Transparent Silver Holdings. So, how much did the U.S. Interest…

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AMERICANS FACING SKY-HIGH ENERGY PRICES: Electricity Prices Hit Another Record High In Sept 2022

If things couldn’t get any worse for struggling Americans this year, electricity prices reached a new all-time high in September.  Residential electricity prices surged 20% since the beginning of the year, and will likely continue to increase significantly in the coming years. And… to make matters even worse, adding more…

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THE 300-TON MIGHTY CHINA COAL BRONTOSAURUS IN THE ROOM: The Massive Increase In China’s Coal Production This Year

While the rest of the world is cutting back on coal production and shutting down coal-fired power plants, China is going full-steam ahead, doing quite the opposite.  The increase in China’s coal production in 2022 will be nearly three times more than the largest European producers in a year. If…

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PALISADES GOLD RADIO INTERVIEW: The Energy Cliff & The Financial World Is One Giant Ponzi Scheme

Last week I chatted with Tom at Palisades Radio about why the Financial World is one Giant Ponzi Scheme.  The world is now nothing more than a typical Ponzi scheme because we used the energy profits to pay positive returns, which will no longer be possible when we head over…

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TOM CLOUD METALS UPDATE OCT 14th: Important To Diversify Assets & High Premiums Continue Due To Bullion Product Shortages

Tom’s newest update discusses why it’s essential for investors to “Diversify” their assets before the next leg lower in the broader markets.  Tom believes it’s better to transition more into assets that will protect wealth, than those that will lose value or are highly leveraged. Tom says it is important…

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