
PALISADES RADIO SRSROCCO REPORT INTERVIEW: Stock Market Bubble, Inflation-Deflation, Precious Metals & Energy Cliff

As the U.S. stock market bubble gets even larger, Americans are totally unprepared for the coming ENERGY CLIFF.  I sat down with Tom at Palisades Radio.   I discussed the inflation vs. deflation debate, Americans being the most exposed to the stock market than ever, details of the Energy Cliff, and why…

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SILVER BULLION TV SRSROCCO INTERVIEW: Energy Cliff Modern High-Tech Global Economy vs. Late Bronze Age Collapse

The world faces the same fate that took place during the Late Bronze Age Collapse… 3,000 years ago.  During my interview with Patrick at Silver Bullion TV, I explained why the Global High-Tech Economy will be in serious trouble in the future.  While many investors believe all our problems are due…

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PALISADES RADIO INTERVIEW: Why Is The SLV Bleeding Silver & The Coming Energy Cliff

Why does JP Morgan’s SLV ETF continue to bleed silver??  I discuss this and many other topics with Tom at Palisades Radio.  Also, will the continued “Shortsqueeze campaign” bring in more investors and higher prices??  It could.  However, even if it doesn’t the mid to long-term fundamentals for silver…

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BREAKING NEWS: Top Silver Mining Industry Average Yield Falls To The Lowest Level Ever

With the results finally out, the top Silver Mining Industry’s average yield fell to the lowest level ever.  While the pandemic shutdowns reduced overall silver production significantly, it didn’t impact the ore grades all that much.  Since 2005, the top seven silver mining companies and mines saw their average yield…

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GEOPOLITICS & EMPIRE INTERVIEW: The Energy Cliff, Green Energy Myth, Gold, Crypto, & Mad Max Future

With the world heading into deeper troubles in 2021, I sat down with chatted with the folks at Geopolitics & Empire.  In the interview, we discussed the impact of the coming ENERGY CLIFF on the global economy and markets.  We also talked about how this would impact Green Energy, gold, and the cryptos…

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Important Factors Impacting The Gold & Silver Supply And Price

The majority of analysts still don’t understand that gold and silver are based on two different price or value functions.  To understand the future forecasts for precious metals, investors need to the difference between the two value functions. In my newest video update, Important Factors Impacting Gold & Silver Price…

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