
SILVER FORTUNE INTERVIEW: Nearing The Energy Cliff & How Silver Protects You

If you want to understand where the silver market is going, you have to learn about energy and the coming ENERGY CLIFF.  There are very few precious metals analysts that understand the important relationship between ENERGY & VALUE.  I discussed these topics with Matt at Silver Fortune last week in…

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THE NEXT FINANCIAL CRISIS: Big Silver Price Moves When Institutions & Large Investors Can’t Get Enough Silver

Few in the precious metals community realize that the coming BIG MOVES in the silver price will happen when Institutions and large investors experience the same problem that small investors have when trying to purchase retail bullion in a tight market.  But, it will be much worse because there isn’t…

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SETTING THE STAGE FOR MUCH HIGHER SILVER PRICES: The Energy Crunch & Skyrocketing Silver Investment Demand

The world has no idea that the present ENERGY CRUNCH is setting the stage for much higher silver prices in the future.  As world energy prices are surging in Europe and Asia, investors haven’t yet figured out this is terrible news for global equity and bond values.  Thus, the $230…

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SRSrocco Report Internet & Phone… OUT OF SERVICE, The Shape Of Things To Come

Our phone and internet service have been down for the past day, including our streaming TV service.  It’s quite amazing how much we all have become totally dependent on these services.  Since about 10 am yesterday, our phone line has been off, which also supplies our internet service here out in the country…

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The World’s Mainstream Assets Inflated Higher To New Record Levels While Gold & Silver Are Extremely Undervalued

It’s truly amazing what a few extra zeros can do for one’s financial wealth.  Today, we have a new past-time of adding zeros to make us feel rich.  And, why not?  We work hard, and we deserve it.  So, if the value of someone’s house goes up 45-50% in a few months or year…

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WHY SILVER IS THE MAJOR INVESTMENT OF THE FUTURE: U.S. Financial System & Massive Debt Heading To Epic Meltdown

The U.S. Financial System is heading towards an Epic Meltdown.  At this time, most financial assets will lose value, even the U.S. Dollar.  While the Federal Reserve has been able to prop up the U.S. Economy & Financial System, this isn’t something that can go on for many years.  With the U.S. shale oil production on a “Collapse Trajectory…

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