STILL BEATING THE COMPETITION: The Lowest Silver Eagle Prices vs. Top Online Dealers

With falling silver prices, comes lower premiums for Silver Eagles.  However, most precious metals online dealers are still charging $6 or more premiums for 2020 Silver Eagles.  This morning, Dan at Cloud Hard Assets emailed me that they lowered their premiums on 2020 Silver Eagles to only $4.50 over spot, while random Silver Eagles are selling at $4.20 over spot.

What I found quite interesting is that one dealer is advertising a SALE on 2020 Silver Eagles (any number) at $5.99 over spot.  The best price I found is from one of the dealers below that is only charging $5.61 over spot, but you have to purchase between 500-1499 Silver Eagles.  Still, that is $1.11 higher than the $4.50 that Cloud Hard Assets is charging.

As I have stated before, I find it amazing that the highest Silver Eagle price shown in the chart above comes from one of the largest online dealers who is also a direct Authorized Purchaser from the U.S. Mint.  You would think this dealer would be offering better prices to their clients, but I gather not.


Tom Cloud has been in the precious metals business for 46 years, since 1973.  He has a lot of experience in the precious metals industry and understands the gold and silver market better than most dealers in the industry.

If you are new to the precious metals market and had questions, Tom Cloud would be happy to answer any questions.

DISCLAIMER:  While Tom offers information about precious metals, you should not take this as investment advice.  You should contact a professional advisor and or do your due diligence before making investment decisions.  

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DISCLAIMER: SRSrocco Report provides intelligent, well-researched information to those with interest in the economy and asset values. Neither SRSrocco Report nor any of its owners, officers, directors, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, service and content providers, producers or agents provide financial advisement services. Neither do we work miracles. We provide our content and opinions to readers only so that they may make informed decisions on all types of assets. Under no circumstances should you interpret opinions which SRSrocco Report or Steve St. Angelo offers on this or any other website as financial advice.

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2 Comments on "STILL BEATING THE COMPETITION: The Lowest Silver Eagle Prices vs. Top Online Dealers"

  1. DisappearingCulture | September 28, 2020 at 10:33 am |

    According to my highly experienced local coin dealer, Canadian Silver Maple Leafs are #2 in demand from him behind ASE’s.
    Might be good to get their price on Maples.

  2. I loaded up on 10 oz.silver bars from an International dealer at $1.99 over spot.

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