
SRSROCCO COMMODITY CULTURE INTERVIEW: Falling Energy Supply Is Bad News For Financial Assets

It was great chatting with Jesse from Commodity Culture on why the Energy Cliff will be BAD NEWS for financial assets.  Unfortunately, the market doesn’t understand this as they continue to purchase a record amount of U.S. Treasuries and global bonds of all flavors. According to SIFMA Research, the Global…

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Fortuna Silver CEO & SRSrocco Report Discuss Mining, Energy & Real Stores Of Wealth

It was finally nice to chat with Fortuna CEO Jorge Ganoza about the mining industry, energy, and what constitutes a “Real Store of Wealth.”  Chris Marcus hosted the interview, where he allowed me to discuss energy and why it is extremely important to invest in physical precious metals and mining…

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TradeGate Hub Interviews SRSrocco Report: Discusses Why Energy Will Impact Financial & Physical Assets

Dale Pinkert from TradeGate Hub interviewed me about Energy, Precious Metals, Miners, and other overall economy.  Dale was interested in sharing with his followers why I thought oil was more of a factor for the economy than the Fed and U.S. Treasury printing money. Dale provides technical analysis on many…

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If you want to understand the foundation and implications of the ENERGY CLIFF, this interview with Jesse Day at Commodity Culture helps Connect-The-Dots.  Unfortunately, most individuals and investors still do not understand how much the world will change in a relatively short period of time. I really enjoyed my chat…

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TOM CLOUD PRECIOUS METALS UPDATE JUL 19th: U.S. Debt Super-Cycle & Dollar Weakness

Tom Cloud discusses why it is important to protect wealth as the U.S. Government moves into a “Debt-Super Cycle.”  Also, Tom mentioned that the precious metals prices have gone up as the U.S. Dollar has declined.  Thus, the direction of gold and silver prices is based on the U.S. Dollar….

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SILVER BULLION TV INTERVIEW: SRSrocco On The Energy Cliff & Precious Metals

Last week I chatted with Patrick of Silver Bullion TV about the Energy Cliff and precious metals.  Unfortunately, most people still don’t understand the profoundly negative implications of the Energy Cliff as the market continues to believe in ever-expanding economic growth & the Business Cycle. FIRST… MY APOLOGIES:  I mentioned…

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