Articles by SRSrocco

TOM CLOUD UPDATE: Fake News, Gold-Silver Cryptocurrencies & Precious Metals Sales

In this precious metals update, Tom Cloud begins with discussing how “Fake news” is misrepresenting what is really taking place in the markets.  He explains that how fake news is impacting precious metals sentiment and sales.  Tom also talks about the new gold and silver cryptocurrencies in development.  While Tom…

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TOM CLOUD PRECIOUS METALS UPDATE: Silver Libertad, Chinese Gold-Backed Yuan & More

During this precious metals update, Tom Cloud discusses several important developments in the gold and silver markets.  Tom first discusses the debate on the monetization of the Silver Libertad and the increased buying by investors of the Official Mexican silver coin. Tom then talks about the possibility of a gold-backed…

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TOM CLOUD PRECIOUS METALS UPDATE: Misinformation In The Gold & Silver Market

In this precious metals update, Tom Cloud discusses the misinformation about the gold and silver market.  Tom explains the difference between what is taking place in gold and silver versus the broader stock markets. For example, Tom states that the stock market which is currently trading at 29 times earnings…

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TOM CLOUD PRECIOUS METALS UPDATE: Stock Market Bubble & Significant Developments Over Next Two Months

Tom Cloud begins his precious metals update with the implications of a March 15th Fed interest rate hike on the markets.  Investors need to realize that as interest rates move higher, so will the interest payment on the debt, which is now approaching $20 trillion.  Furthermore, Tom discusses the significance…

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TOM CLOUD PRECIOUS METALS UPDATE: Large Wholesaler Warns When JP Morgan Switches To Go Long Silver

Tom Cloud provided an update on the precious metals market today.  He begins discussing about a meeting he had with one of the largest precious metals wholesalers in the country and world.  One of the topics discussed during that meeting is what would happen to the silver market when JP…

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